As a collaborative research environment between US government, academia and industry, the University of Maryland (UMD) Center for Research in Extreme Batteries (CREB) fosters and accelerates collaborative research in advanced battery materials and technologies and characterization techniques.  Entities conduct innovative computational and experimental research and welcome opportunities to connect with companies to help solve problems and advance battery and energy storage applications.  Recognizing this, RadTech participated in the Center’s bi-annual meeting on June 23, 2023, at the UMD Campus in College Park, Maryland, to connect its members and affiliates with Center researchers.  Oliver Hamann, Miltec and a leading member of the RadTech Battery Applications Working Group, provided an overview of RadTech and highlighted recent advances of using UV- and EB-curable materials for Li-ion battery manufacturing.  Dianne Poster from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) joined as well. NIST is a cofounder of the Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing Alliance (PAMA), led by RadTech.  PAMA seeks to connect government research programs with academia and companies on novel research supporting photopolymer additive manufacturing through the PAMA Government Partnerships and Collaborations Committee.  There was a great turnout of attendees, with about 40 attendees in-person and more than 60 online at any given time during the event, lending to great discussions.  More information about the Center,  presentations from the meeting and how to connect with the Center are available at