UV LED Curing – The Countermeasure to the Expanding Energy Crisis

Jennifer Heathcote of GEW (EC) Limited

The rapid retirement of thermal generating plants such as coal and nuclear coupled with increasing demand for electricity is not offset by previously installed or planned future additions of renewable generation. This is compounded by the lack of both transmission lines and transformers needed to connect new solar and wind farms to the electric grid and distribute power to end users. The consequences are growing reliability issues, potential summer blackouts for 2/3 of the United States, and rising electricity costs that wreak havoc on producers and operations.

To remain competitive, manufacturers are seeking more efficient processes that decrease electricity demand. As a result, those who set inks, coatings, adhesives, and extrusions are shifting to UV LED curing to lower installed power, reduce peak demand, decrease consumption during operation, reduce carbon footprint, and mitigate rising electricity costs.