Excelitas Introduces New UV LED Curing Products
UV+EB Technology
Excelitas Technolgoies Corporation, Waltham, Massachusetts, introduced OmniCure® LX500 UV LED Spot Curing System and OmniCure AC5 Series UV LED Systems.
The LX500 is available in either two or four LED head system configuration with up to 16W/cm2 peak irradiance. It provides optical stability +/- 5 percent via Intelli-Lamp® LED technology for repeatable device assembly and reduced costs. It is ideal for use in such medical devices as catheters, cannulas, endoscopes and syringes; electronics, such as OPU, smartphones and tablets; and general-purpose small component applications, such as bonding and coatings.
Additionally, the AC550/P and AC575/P air-cooled UV LED curing systems provide high irradiance (14W/cm2), enabling manufacturers to achieve high productivity. The LEDs deliver long lifetime and lower electrical consumption to reduce running costs. OmniCure AC5 Series Systems are designed to cure inks, adhesives and coatings in print, industrial and electronics manufacturing applications.
For more information, visit www.excelitas.com/OmniCure.