Duplo Releases Digital Spot UV Coater
UV+EB Technology
The DDC-810 Digital Spot UV Coater from Duplo USA, Santa Ana, California, aims to bring profitability back to print.
The DDC-810 is a compact, design-driven solution that utilizes 600x600dpi inkjet technology, UV lamp curing and camera image registration to deliver production output with texture and depth by applying a gloss varnish to defined areas of the substrate. It handles maximum paper sizes of 14.33×29.13″ up to 450gsm.
Operators can set up a job in four simple steps and begin producing applications within minutes. With the DDC-810, printers and finishers can accelerate their margin growths by creating greater value for their business cards, postcards, direct mailers and more.
For more information, visit www.duplousa.com.