Lightweighting Champion: Where Innovation and Sustainability Meet

By Brittany Willes, contributing writer, UV+EB Technology "My passion is finding different ways for our planet to be sustainable," said Matthew Pearlson, a research specialist...

Regulatory News

OSHA Official Downplays Prospects for US EPA Collaboration on Chemical Risks A senior official at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is downplaying the...

Q&A: Where, under a UV lamp, should a radiometer be located for an accurate...

By R.W. Stowe, UV applications engineering consultant, Heraeus Noblelight America LLC We've heard this question several times. UV radiometers come in many shapes and sizes....

UV-Related Papers Presented at WCX18

By Dianna Brodine, managing editor, UV+EB Technology SAE World Congress was renamed in 2018, now branded as WCXTM18: SAE World Congress Experience. Held April 9...

Validating Isotropy in SLA Additive Manufacturing

By F. Timur Senguen, quality/DVT lead, and Chen Wang, materials scientist, Formlabs In the context of additive manufacturing, the term anisotropy is typically used to...

Q&A: Is All 3D Printing an Opportunity for UV Curing?

By Mike Idacavage, vice president of business development, Colorado Photopolymer Solutions Over the past two or three years, one topic has seemed to stand out...
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Association News

RadTech Elects 2018 Board Members RadTech has announced the election of new board members. Todd Fayne, Pepsico; Sunny Ye, 3M; and Mike Bonner, Saint Clair...

Q&A: What factors affect COF variation on EB-curable coatings?

By Im Rangwalla, Market Development Manager, Energy Sciences, Inc. One of the important applications of electron beam processing is curing coatings on surface-printed substrates for...

Energy-Curable Coatings for Automotive Interiors: A More Suitable Alternative to 1K and 2K Coatings

By Marcus Hutchins, technical specialist, and Jennifer McClung, development chemist, allnex USA Introduction The words "driving experience" have grown to mean more to consumers than improved...

Energy-Curable Flexo Special Effects Coatings for Packaging: An Application Guide

by Helen Rallis, field product manager - Coatings, Sun Chemical In many ways, consumers are changing their shopping experience. Online shopping and the use of...
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