The autonomous mobile robot EVP-780-PAL (TIAGo Disinfection, as its trade name) developed by the Catalan companies PAL Robotics, Barcelona, Spain, and E Vila Projects, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Spain, has been introduced as an optimal and efficient solution to perform tasks of disinfection of air and surfaces in public and private indoor environments with time savings and resource optimization while also being risk-free for workers and users.

After evaluating the results of the test, it has been verified that the automation of the disinfection of an indoor environment with this innovative solution has a lot of advantages such as: Allows faster and more frequent disinfection than with traditional methods; Allows access to contaminated areas, protecting personnel in danger zones and cross-contamination; It offers easy management through an application capable of controlling, validating and modifying tasks, remotely with any mobile device, tablet or computer; Easy implementation (1 day). Installation is quick and easy thanks to the web interface, does not require prior technical knowledge, nor does it require adaptation of the existing environment; No chemicals are used in the disinfection so, there is not any environmental residue left.

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