
Photoinitiators Reevaluated: PI-Free EB is About More than Just Migration

Between UV and EB, EB often has been the preferred choice for indirect food applications because it does not require a photoinitiator (PI) for...

UV LED Measurement: Keys to Success

Inspiration for this column came while visiting friends in Florida. It hit not while soaking up UV photons at the pool, but when helping...

UV-Curable Coating Options for Interior Automotive Applications

By Kristy Wagner, Red Spot Paint and Varnish Due to their crosslinking capabilities, UV-curable coatings can be natural choices for interior automotive applications. Technologies range...

Sustainability in Packaging: Biorenewable and Biodegradable

By Carla Brown, Manager, Corporate Communications – Circular Economy Specialist, Siegwerk Druckfarben AG & Co. A note from RadTech: The RadTech Sustainability Committee is embarking on our...

New Classification for TPO Has Multinational Impacts

Prepared by RadTech Environmental Health and Safety Committee, Michael Gould, Rahn, Chair; and Shannon Gainey, TechCheck LLC, Consultant TPO, a widely used material in photopolymer...

Updated Poster Offers Safety Tips for UV-Curable AM

By Dianna Brodine, vice president, editorial, UV+EB Technology RadTech has updated its UV 3D Printing Safe Handling Guide. 3D-printing technology has decreased in cost, encouraging increased...

2023 RadLaunch Class Includes Advances in Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing

Created to recognize innovative startups and innovators for ultraviolet and electron beam (UV/EB) technologies, RadTech, the UV/EB industry association, has announced its RadLaunch Class...

Making Strides with UV-Curable Composites and Thermosets

By Liz Stevens, writer, UV+EB Technology More companies are moving to UV-curable composites, leaving behind prior curing methods. UV curing can yield significant savings during...

Standards for Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing

By Stephanie Benight, Ph.D., Tactile Materials Solutions LLC, sbenight@tactilems.com; Callie Higgins, Ph.D. NIST, Colorado School of Mines, callie.higgins@NIST.gov As additive manufacturing technology matures and 3D-printed parts...

Thought Leadership Sails into San Diego with 2023 BIG IDEAS Conference

By Dianna Brodine, vice president, editorial, UV+EB Technology The BIG IDEAS for UV+EB Technology Conference was held March 6-8, 2023, in San Diego, California. Focused...
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